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Anthony Jefferson Narag - black_and_white_t_shirts_mockup copy.jpg

1. My visual metaphor is about how sweet chocolate is, and I compare t to be like music, because listening to music can be sweet.


2. The characteristics include things such as the chocolate morphing into a music note, the phone being in the candy wrapper, and the saying "Music is like Chocolate, It's sweet" creating a simile. 


3. I first got a chocolate bar from the internet, and traced the outline thoroughly, afterwards I proceeded to then delete the original picture afterwards. Then, I traced the outlines of an iPhone to create the outline of it and put it behind the chocolate wrapper layer. Afterwards I grabbed a wrapper or foil photo and used a clipping mask to create the texture of an open candy wrapper. Then I grabbed a Hershey font from the Internet and then proceeded to use the font to create my simile visual metaphor. I made the ear and music notes. 


4. The easiest part was thinking of the metaphor and drawing out my idea. The hardest part was the tracing. It was kind of tricky to do because sometimes the tracing tool wouldn't do things in my favor. 


5. I believe I got a 3. The reason Is because I could have added more details, more shapes and more masks. I think I should have gotten a really good idea for the wallpaper of the phone. 

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