Anthony Narag
Digital Media
1. First, we had to record our film outside of the class, we used the ipad to record our clips. After, we proceeded to retake any shots we needed in case they needed improvement or to be rerecorded. I then put it into capcut and cut the clips up and made sure unnecessary shots were cut out of the film. I added the music from youtube, and some other sound effects as well. I also added a filter.
2. The easiest part was probably editing the film on capcut. It was relatively simple. I liked editing it and it was easy for me to handle cutting up the clips and to get rid of the unnecessary shots such as clips where sinh did not disappear and had to walk out of frame.
3. Everyone contributed equally. We all had a part in the movie and it was something that I really enjoyed. All of us had a fun time recording and it would be something I would wanna do again.
4. I think our mastery would be a 3. We have a good film but it isn't perfect. There are imperfections to it as well. I think it would be a pretty good score considering we are.